Ojai, California bioidentical hormones specialists at Fig Tree Wellness offer (BHRT) bioidentical hormone replacement therapy to Ventura County men and women to reduce the symptoms of hormone decline and restore energy and vitality naturally.

Hormone imbalances and deficiencies disrupt our bodies and our lives in many unpleasant ways. Left untreated, they can do even more damage in the long-term. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy naturally restores and balances hormones and can be a powerful ally in achieving optimal health and wellness at any age. Whether you are dealing with a hormone condition that comes naturally with aging or one caused by imbalances, Ojai, California bioidentical hormone replacement therapy specialists at Fig Tree Wellness can eliminate your symptoms and restore your vitality safely and naturally.

Call (805) 586-3432 to speak with Ojai, California bioidentical hormone therapy specialists at Fig Tree Wellness and schedule your BHRT consultation today!

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Ojai, California bioidentical hormones specialists at Fig Tree Wellness offer individually tailored bioidentical hormone replacement therapy specifically designed for optimal benefits and hormone balance. specialists at Fig Tree Wellness has helped Ventura County men and women restore vitality and optimal performance using customized functional medicine including bioidentical hormone therapy.

Hormones for Women

Women’s health specialists at Fig Tree Wellness offer bioidentical hormone therapies as a safe and natural treatment for a variety of female conditions. Declining hormones can have a significant impact on the way you feel–both physically and emotionally. Most traditional medical treatments only focus on managing the symptoms but do not solve the root cause of the problem: imbalanced hormones. Women’s Health specialists at Fig Tree Wellness can help you get a clear picture of your health and create a customized plan for total hormonal wellness.

Hormones for Men

In men, some of the age-related symptoms that are present with hormonal imbalances can be improved or erased with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy. This may include erectile dysfunction, excess abdominal fat, depression, hair loss, high blood pressure, higher cholesterol, low libido, muscle atrophy, lack of motivation, insomnia, mood swings, and reduced stamina. Men’s Health specialists at Fig Tree Wellness offer customized bioidentical hormone replacement therapies to help men regain their stamina and achieve optimal health.

Ojai Functional Wellness Doctor

Hormone Conditions Treated by Fig Tree Wellness

Bioidentical hormone therapy is effective at treating the underlying hormonal imbalances that cause a variety of health conditions. Conditions treated by Fig Tree Wellness in Ojai, California include:

Integrative and Functional Medicine Specialists

At Fig Tree Wellness, we embrace a holistic, integrative approach to health and wellness–offering an oasis of hope and renewal. Beyond conventional medicine’s one-size-fits-all mentality, our team of experienced practitioners are dedicated to curating individualized services designed to empower each patient’s journey towards deep-seated restoration and vitality. Our expansive menu of remedies includes everything from LDA therapy, micro needling, “P” and “O” shots, bioidentical hormone therapies, sexual wellness, weight management, mold and metal detoxification, and more. Fig Tree Wellness provides a compassionate environment where transformative health is nurtured, cultivated, and accessible to all.

At Fig Tree Wellness our ultimate goal is to prevent disease, not manage it.

Services Offered by Fig Tree Wellness:

Finally Feel Like You Again with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Functional Medicine specialists at Fig Tree Wellness treat men and women using natural bioidentical hormone replacement therapy in Ojai, California and surrounding areas. Call (805) 586-3432 to speak with bioidentical hormone therapy specialists at Fig Tree Wellness and schedule a BHRT consultation today!