Ojai, California osteopathic specialists at Fig Tree Wellness treat patients in and around Ventura County with a holistic approach to bodily function utilizing hands-on treatment focusing on the connection between mind, body, and spirit as part of one interconnected system.

Osteopathy is an integrative approach to healthcare, treating the patient as a whole–rather than just focusing on any medical condition they may have. Osteopathic medicine utilizes a holistic approach which includes partnering with patients, appreciating the connection between body, mind and spirit during treatment, and recognizing the efficacy of hands-on diagnosis and care. Encouraging prevention and wellness is a major philosophy within osteopathic medicine that emphasizes the body’s own natural tendency towards good health and self-healing.

Through hands-on diagnosis and treatment, such as osteopathic manipulation treatment (OMT), Fig Tree Wellness focuses on preventive measures and wellness to bolster the body’s natural healing capability. Techniques such as manipulation, stretching, massage and touch are employed to improve joint mobility, reduce muscular tension, augment circulation and nerve impulse conduction in tissues, invigorating the body’s power of restoration. By implementing these principles, Ojai, California osteopathic specialists at Fig Tree Wellness aims to help patients tap into their own natural capacity for self-healing–enabling patients in and around Ventura County to reach their peak performance and thrive.

Fig Tree Wellness has years of experience treating Ventura County patients with OMT. Call Ojai, California osteopathic specialists at Fig Tree Wellness at (805) 586-3432 to schedule a consultation today!

Ojai Osteopathy Treatment

Unleash Your Body’s Natural Power to Thrive

Call (805) 586-3432 to speak with Ojai, California osteopathic specialists at Fig Tree Wellness and schedule a consultation today!