Ojai, California PRP specialists at Fig Tree Wellness employs the use of Platelet Rich Plasma to regenerate elbow tendons in patients who suffer from elbow injuries in the Ventura County area.

As an important joint involved in almost all arm movements, the elbows can become damaged with aging, overuse, sports, or injuries. Because many people lead active lifestyles, elbow injuries that involve the tendons are among the most common elbow problems. The regenerative aspects of Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy allow patients to either improve or eliminate elbow related pain, while reducing inflammation. Many patients that have received Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy have been able to significantly improve their elbow pain or injuries.

Ojai, California PRP specialists at Fig Tree Wellness offer PRP elbow treatments that are non-surgical, safe, natural, zero downtime solutions to elbow injury and chronic elbow pain to patients in and around Ventura County.

Fig Tree Wellness has helped numerous patients in Ojai, California relieve elbow pain and get back to their active lifestyles. Call (805) 586-3432 today for a PRP Elbow Consultation with Ojai, California PRP specialists at Fig Tree Wellness.

Conditions Treated

Whether you’ve taken damage from a fall or accident, over conditioned while perfecting your golf swing, or the natural effects of aging have simply caught up, elbow pain is still pain and can be extremely disruptive to your daily lifestyle. Several common elbow conditions can be improved with Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy, some of which include:

Better known as “golfer’s elbow,” this injury occurs to the tendons surrounding the elbow with chronic overuse. Often, the movement involved in swinging a golf club leads to this injury, especially over time. Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy has helped many patients to overcome this injury, while quickening the healing process.

Also referred to as “tennis elbow,” this condition adversely affects the outer tendons of the elbow, which can lead to pain and inflammation. Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy can help to heal lateral epicondylitis, allowing patients to return to participating in sports and performing daily activities.

Trauma to the very tip of the elbow, which is the olecranon, can lead to fractures in the bones. Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy can help fractures to heal faster, allowing patients to decrease pain and regain the full use of their elbow.

While osteoarthritis typically affects the larger joints of the body, many patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis experience swollen, hot, painful, or burning elbow pain. In patients with this condition, nodules around the elbow may also be present. Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy can help patients to reduce inflammation and pain caused from chronic arthritis.

Make Some Elbow Room for Your Active Lifestyle!

Call Ojai, California PRP specialists at Fig Tree Wellness at (805) 586-3432 to schedule a consultation and discover how PRP can help you improve your mobility today!