Ojai, California PRP specialists at Fig Tree Wellness offer platelet rich plasma breast rejuvenation using the PRP vampire breast lift to women in and around Ventura County.

Unfavorable changes often occur in women’s breasts with aging, the birth of children, or weight loss, which are all factors that can reduce breast size and fullness, leading to a lilting, softened appearance.

While a lot of women are unhappy with how their breasts look, they may not want to undergo surgery or take the time off to recover from a surgical procedure. Even women that have had breast implants are often displeased with the results. Often because they are unable to obtain cleavage, as breast implants cannot be placed too close to the sternum, otherwise they would look abnormal.

For women that are unhappy with the size, shape, and appearance of their breasts, a (PRP) Platelet Rich Plasma breast lift may be the solution to their aesthetic grievances.

Call Ojai, California PRP Breast Lift specialists at Fig Tree Wellness at (805) 586-3432 to schedule a PRP breast rejuvenation consultation today!

Benefits of the PRP Breast-lift and Platelet Rich Plasma Breast Rejuvenation

Platelet Rich Plasma breast lifting procedures involve injecting the patients’ own platelets into areas that need to be plumped or filled out, which is relatively quick and painless. No cutting, no foreign bodies, just natural materials for safe and natural results.

Lifting areas of the breast or increasing fullness does not produce any scars around or near the breasts, in contrast to other procedures that can produce small or noticeable scars.

Surgical breast augmentation or lift procedures can significantly increase breast size and help women to achieve a desired aesthetic appearance; however, these procedures can run anywhere from three to fifteen thousand dollars.

The Platelet Rich Plasma breast lift only uses natural components from the blood, which reduces the risk for infections and allergic reactions. This low-risk procedure can create a high level of improvement in the appearance of the breasts.

Women can literally visit a physician on their lunch break, have the procedure done, and return to work the same day. They are also able to go back to safely exercising within one weeks’ time of receiving the injections.

While a noticeable improvement is evident directly after the procedure, the growth factors in the platelets help to regenerate lost breast tissue and increase breast fullness throughout the course of a few months after the administration of the therapy. Women can continue to see improvements in their results over time.

Learn more about how this exciting and highly-effective new breast lift procedure might benefit you, call Fig Tree Wellness at (805) 586-3432 to schedule a confidential PRP breast lift consultation today!