Ojai, California PRP specialists at Fig Tree Wellness offer PRP or platelet rich plasma injections to naturally regenerate shoulder joints or shoulder tendons that have been damaged or injured.

Shoulder conditions are common among people of all ages and can develop from overuse, sports, or simply aging. The complex structure of the shoulder can easily result in tendon, muscle, or nerve related conditions. PRP (platelet rich plasma) shoulder injections can provide a remarkable improvement in symptoms. PRP shoulder injections can also eliminate the need for more invasive treatments like surgery, or a long term dependency on medication.

Ojai, California PRP specialists at Fig Tree Wellness offer cutting-edge PRP shoulder treatments that are non-surgical, safe, natural, zero downtime solutions to shoulder injury and chronic shoulder pain to patients in Ventura County. After PRP shoulder injections many of patients report significant return of function along with a shorter recovery time.

Fig Tree Wellness has helped countless patients in Ojai, California relieve shoulder pain and get back to their active lifestyles. Call (805) 586-3432 today for your PRP shoulder consultation.

Shoulder Conditions Treated Using Platelet Rich Plasma

Ojai, California PRP therapy specialists at Fig Tree Wellness helps Ventura County patients to alleviate their shoulder conditions using specialized treatment plans. Platelet rich plasma therapy can help to improve a wide range of shoulder conditions, some of which may include:

The rotator cuff is comprised of four major muscles, which include the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and the teres minor. Injuries to the rotator cuff muscles are very common and can lead to pain, inflammation, and reduced range of motion. If you’re experiencing pain when lifting your arm, or hearing your shoulder click and pop; if the pain is growing worse at night or even when you’re resting the arm, or struggling to lift and carry, you may have a torn rotator cuff.

Stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint are characteristic of frozen shoulder, and signs and symptoms often start out gradually, while worsening over time. A frozen shoulder severely prevents shoulder mobility and can cause pain that wraps around the top of your arm.

Bursitis, also known as bursa inflammation, in an inflammation of your bursa sacs, which are fluid filled sacs that help muscles to smoothly glide over the bones. Overuse of the shoulder can lead to inflammation within the bursa, causing pain at the acromion and throughout the shoulder joint.

The tendons in the shoulder work as cords that connect the muscles to the bone, and over time, they can become worn down. As the tendons begin to lose their agility, men and women may experience tendonitis or tears within the tendons. Tendonitis is usually accompanied with tenderness, swelling, and a dull ache.

In patients that suffer from impingement, the acromion puts pressure on the bursa sacs and the rotator cuff tendons when the arm is lifted. Over time, many patients with this condition suffer from reduced range of motion, bursitis, and rotator cuff tears. You may experience pain and tenderness in the front of your shoulder that moves to the side of your arm and pain that limits your ability to lift your arm or reach behind you.

When the head of the arm bone is forced out of the socket or partially out of the socket, the tendons, ligaments, and muscles around the shoulder can become loser or torn, causing the shoulder joint to become unstable. This can result in your shoulder feeling loose and many describe it as a feeling of ‘just hanging there’, it can also result in repeated dislocations or your shoulder giving out.

Many men and women suffer from arthritis, which tends to worsen with aging. Arthritis is a disease of the joints that causes pain, stiffness, redness, swelling, and decreased range of motion.

Call (805) 586-3432 to speak with local Ojai, California platelet rich plasma shoulder specialists at Fig Tree Wellness and schedule your PRP therapy appointment today! Fig Tree Wellness treats patients in Ventura County.