Ojai, California platelet-rich plasma (PRP) specialists at Fig Tree Wellness offer PRP restorative injections for natural hair follicle rejuvenation to stimulate the growth of new hair for Ventura County men and women.

As we age, our hair follicles tire, and the resulting hair loss can be emotionally difficult, causing our confidence to grow thin along with our hair. Luckily, revolutionary advances in modern hair restoration techniques have provided a healthy, functional scalp stimulation and hair follicle reactivation with the help of the patient’s own PRP (platelet-rich-plasma).

Platelet rich plasma or PRP is a revolutionary non-surgical therapy for natural hair follicle stimulation which may help to maintain hair density, treat thinning hair and correct male pattern baldness naturally. PRP Hair restoration involves drawing a patient’s blood and processing the blood so that only the enriched cells (platelet-rich plasma) remain. Platelet rich plasma cells are injected into the scalp. The platelet rich plasma contains essential proteins and your own body’s natural growth factors which stimulate hair growth. PRP injections can be effective in treating both men and women, both in preventing hair loss and promoting new hair growth.

Discover how PRP specialists at Fig Tree Wellness has helped countless Ventura County men and women naturally achieve hair restoration through PRP restorative injections. Call (805) 586-3432 today!

PRP Hair Restoration Frequently Asked Questions

Every person is unique, and every situation is different. While many people who complete their follow up appointments begin to see results as early as 2-3 months after their initial injection, another person may take more or less time.

Periodic treatments are highly recommended in order to maintain the health of the scalp and to promote long-lasting and highly satisfactory results.

As with many natural, functional remedies, the effects of PRP therapies are largely dependent on your own body. A number of factors can influence the effects of your procedure: any medications, the severity of hair loss, each person’s immune wellness and ability to heal.

Some people may go for maintenance every 3 to 4 months, others may only need once a year. Luckily, there are things you can do to help produce better results like observing good nutrition and exercise habits and taking good care of your luscious new locks.

Platelet-Rich Plasma injections are a healthy and natural remedy, so generally treating your body as you would if it were healing from an injury would be a best practice.

Staying hydrated and rested, eating healthily, and keeping your scalp clean while avoiding dyeing or bleaching your hair, tobacco and alcohol, and anti-inflammatory medications are a great way to get started.

This will depend on each individual’s personal reaction to the PRP injection and the location and severeness of their hair loss. A typical treatment plan will involve scheduling several periodic injections in the first few months, and then one yearly once the scalp and hair follicles are healthy and stimulated.

Yes. Platelet Rich Plasma injections are safe and natural therapy for healing the body. The procedure uses your own locally sourced body growth factors to stimulate blood flow and healing in an area that just needs a boost. Your platelets will be pulled and injected on the same day, so they are as biologically true to you as possible.

Anyone can be a good candidate for PRP, although it is not recommended for anyone on blood-thinning medication, with signs or symptoms of infection, or heavy smokers, as these can disrupt the healing process.

Platelet rich plasma therapy is ideal for anyone who has hair transplants or has only recently started experiencing hair loss.

Ojai Hair Loss Treatment

Discover the Secret to Restoring those Thick, Healthy Locks

Call Ojai, California PRP specialists at Fig Tree Wellness at (805) 586-3432 to schedule a consultation today to discuss how PRP restorative injections can help you achieve natural hair restoration!