Ojai, California thyroid specialists at Fig Tree Wellness offer treatment for thyroid disorders using functional medicine including natural bioidentical hormone therapy in Ventura County.

The endocrine system is a complex web of hormones and the glands that produce them. An essential part of that system is the thyroid, a butterfly shaped gland located in the lower front of the neck. The primary functions of thyroid hormones are to help the body use energy effectively in order to keep your body warm and ensure regular and proper function of your muscles, brain, heart and other organs. When this little gland does its job well, you’d never even think of it. However, when normal thyroid function is disrupted, it can cause a host of unpleasant symptoms in your body. 

Because the thyroid hormone controls so many different systems and processes in your body, when it isn’t functioning correctly the resulting symptoms can be severe and widespread. Thyroid disorders come in two forms. When your thyroid does not produce enough T3 and T4 for healthy function, the resulting condition is call hypothyroidism. When the thyroid produces too much T3 and T4, the resulting condition is called hyperthyroidism. 

Thyroid specialists at Fig Tree Wellness helps Ojai, California patients achieve thyroid balance using functional medicine . Call (805) 586-3432 to schedule your thyroid consultation today!

The Role Of Your Thyroid

Do you find yourself consistently overheated? Waking up in the night drenched in sweat? Always the first person in your fitness class to covered in perspiration?

Maybe the opposite is true. Do you take a jacket with you everywhere or risk feeling frozen in a room where everyone else seems perfectly comfortable?

When your thyroid is imbalanced, it can produce too much or too little thyroid hormone–forcing your body temperature to rise or drop.

Whether your thyroid is over or underactive, it weakens your respiratory muscles–causing difficulty breathing.

If you suffer from difficult, labored breathing, sleep apnea, or find yourself frequently hyperventilating balancing your thyroid hormones may be the key to breathing easy.

The hormones your thyroid produces play a vital role in heart function and regulating heart rate. If you are experiencing a hyperactive or underactive thyroid, you may develop complications due to skewed blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Your body is a machine that requires all of its components to work properly in order to operate at maximum capacity. If your thyroid is imbalanced, you may notice impaired cognition, concentration, headaches, and fatigue.

Your skeletal muscles account for 30-40% of your total body mass. Your thyroid hormones are necessary for the development, function, and regeneration of those muscles. A thyroid hormone imbalance can cause weakness and pain–even exercise intolerance.

A menstrual cycle can be frustrating and volatile on its own–adding an imbalance of thyroid hormones can leave you feeling entirely out of control.

Thyroid imbalance can influence the lightness or heaviness of bleeding, cause you to become irregular, and might cause your period to become more frequent or stop for months at a time.

People with hyper or hypothyroidism may suffer from depression, anxiety, and anger. These emotions can throw off your entire lifestyle as they can have a profound impact on your appetite, sleep, ability to function, and focus on work or exercise.

If you have been told to watch your cholesterol levels, you may want to check your thyroid hormone levels. Thyroid hormones help the liver process blood–if that process is too fast or slow–it can result in unhealthy amounts of cholesterol.

Whether too high or too low, having poor cholesterol levels puts you at risk for a wide variety of health risks.

The thyroids main function is to control and balance your metabolism. An imbalance of thyroid hormones can cause the body to have a difficult time figuring out how much and what kind of energy to use.

If your thyroid is imbalanced, you may experience a skewed basal metabolic rate as well as metabolic irregularities. If you are having a hard time gaining or losing weight, it’s probably a good indication to check your thyroid.

Ojai Thyroid Imbalance Treatment

Left Untreated, Symptoms Can Worsen–Don’t Wait!

Ojai, California thyroid specialists at Fig Tree Wellness eliminates symptoms of thyroid disorders so that Ventura County patients find balance and optimal health. Call (805) 586-3432 to schedule a consultation today!